Sunday, 2 April 2017

SAHM Without the SHAME

So, I am a stay at home Mum, SAHM, Housewife, unemployed not seeking employment or Just a Mum. It is something that over the past 3 and half years I have never once regretted. I do however have hang ups ont he subject. I feel like I should do more, like I am not working as hard as those with jobs, like I am lay and not worth as much. I feel like I need to justify my choices.

Someone told me recently that it doesn't matter what you do in life as long as you do a fantastic job. The same person also made a passing comment or two along the lines of 'I love your life' and 'I want to live your life' You have no idea how amazing it is to hear that! It started me thinking - what is it my life looks like?

My life is singing loud at the park, growing seeds in cupboards, bubble painting, digging holes and finding worms. It is roaring like a dinosaur, snotty noses and dirty nappies, line dried washing and home-made pizzas. It is playdough and glitter, toddler tantrums, mud everywhere, a messy house and Pintrest boards. It is groups trips to the bathroom and never peeing alone.

My life is lonely days and Mum guilt. It is dirty washing, making nests, foam stickers, screaming, peeling apples and too much TV. It is making excuses and explaining choices. it is running down the street like a lunatic to fill the gap between dinner and bedtime. It is repeated stories and the right cereal combination. It is glue and paint and pens, bananas and raisins, cooking and cleaning. My life is good, great, hard, maddening and sometimes lonely. I have a fantastic life, I don't have to deal with mental health problems, I have great kids and a wonderful husband. We are all healthy. I am lucky.

So now I am looking at my life and choices from a different perspective. I am finding pride in how I spend my days. I am refusing to feel bad for not working and not 'doing it all'. It is a mismatch of great and not great. I am lucky.

I know all Mums have Mum guilt and I think we should all stop for a moment and give ourselves a pat on the back. Whether you are a working Mum, a Mum whose babies have flown the nest, a new Mum just starting out or one without a baby to hold.....feel strong. Revel in the good days and move past the bad ones. Tell yourself you are great and believe it. Know that the best you can be is what you are and it is more than enough.

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